Javier Ramírez

  • Technology Advocate
  • Docker Captain
  • Docker Certificate Associate
  • Docker Certified Instructor
  • Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer
  • HP Openview Solutions Certified

  • Setup NGINX Plus as Ingress Controller

    15 Oct 2018 » kubernetes, nginx

    We will use Minikube for a Quick Demo

    We deploy complete Kong Environment with Postgresql.

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kong/kubernetes-ingress-controller/master/deploy/single/all-in-one-postgres.yaml | kubectl create -f -

    We have created ‘kong’ namespace so we will wait until all Kong components are ready.

    kubectl get all --namespace kong

    We deploy now two deployments with their services (red-app and blue-app with red-svc and blue-svc)

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Codegazers/k8s-vagrant/master/examples/colors/colors.yml | kubectl create -f -

    We review the deployments

    kubectl get all --namespace default

    We review Kong

    kubectl get all --namespace kong

    For quick access we prepare some envirnment variables (for Kong admin and Kong proxy access)

    export KONG_ADMIN_PORT=$(minikube service -n kong kong-ingress-controller --url --format "")
    export KONG_ADMIN_IP=$(minikube service   -n kong kong-ingress-controller --url --format "")
    export PROXY_IP=$(minikube   service -n kong kong-proxy --url --format "" | head -1)
    export HTTP_PORT=$(minikube  service -n kong kong-proxy --url --format "" | head -1)
    export HTTPS_PORT=$(minikube service -n kong kong-proxy --url --format "" | tail -1)

    Now we deploy colors-ingress ingress resource for accesing both applications

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Codegazers/k8s-vagrant/master/examples/colors/colors-ingress.yml | kubectl apply -f -

    We just set up host routing

    kubectl get ingress colors-ingress -o yaml

    And now we can access our applications setting host headers

    http ${PROXY_IP}:${HTTP_PORT}/text Host:red.example.com
    http ${PROXY_IP}:${HTTP_PORT}/text Host:blue.example.com

    We review targets because red-app has 3 replicas

    http ${KONG_ADMIN_IP}:${KONG_ADMIN_PORT}/upstreams/default.red-svc.80/targets

    We now add a KongPluggin resource for reate limitting to route

    echo "
    apiVersion: configuration.konghq.com/v1
    kind: KongPlugin
      name: add-ratelimiting-to-route
      minute: 20
      limit_by: ip
      second: 5
    " | kubectl create -f -

    We review deployed Kong Plugins

    kubectl get kongplugins

    And now we apply rate limit to our deployed ingress resource

    kubectl patch ingress colors-ingress \
      -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"rate-limiting.plugin.konghq.com":"add-ratelimiting-to-route\n"}}}'

    We can review the plugin, associated to route and routes deployed

    http ${KONG_ADMIN_IP}:${KONG_ADMIN_PORT}/plugins
    http ${KONG_ADMIN_IP}:${KONG_ADMIN_PORT}/routes

    Accessing to our applications we can review proxying requests and limits applied

    http ${PROXY_IP}:${HTTP_PORT}/text Host:red.example.com
    http ${PROXY_IP}:${HTTP_PORT}/text Host:blue.example.com

    We now delete ingress resource for creating separated ones

    kubectl delete ingress colors-ingress

    Deploying different ingress resources

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Codegazers/k8s-vagrant/master/examples/colors/red-ingress.yml | kubectl create -f -
    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Codegazers/k8s-vagrant/master/examples/colors/blue-ingress.yml | kubectl create -f -

    Review Ingress resources

    kubectl get ingress

    We now add rate limit to both ingress resources

    kubectl patch ingress red-ingress \
      -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"rate-limiting.plugin.konghq.com":"add-ratelimiting-to-route\n"}}}'
    kubectl patch ingress blue-ingress \
      -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"rate-limiting.plugin.konghq.com":"add-ratelimiting-to-route\n"}}}'

    Applying pluging just for one service

    kubectl patch svc red-svc \
      -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"rate-limiting.plugin.konghq.com": "add-ratelimiting-to-route\n"}}}'

    And we review now the

    http ${KONG_ADMIN_IP}:${KONG_ADMIN_PORT}/plugins

    And its access

    http ${PROXY_IP}:${HTTP_PORT}/text Host:red.example.com