Javier Ramírez

  • Technology Advocate
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  • Setup Kong as Ingress Controller

    20 Oct 2018 » kubernetes, api

    We will use Minikube for a Quick Demo

    We deploy complete NGINX Plus Ingress Controller with a full deployment file

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Codegazers/k8s-vagrant/master/demo/nginx-plus-ingress_full-deployment.yml | kubectl apply -f -

    We have created ‘nginx-ingress’ namespace so we will wait until all components are ready.

    kubectl get all --namespace nginx-ingress

    We deploy now two deployments with their services (red-app and blue-app with red-svc and blue-svc)

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Codegazers/k8s-vagrant/master/examples/colors/colors.yml | kubectl create -f -

    We review the deployments

    kubectl get all --namespace default

    For quick access we prepare some environment variables

    export INGRESS_IP=$(minikube   service -n nginx-ingress nginx-ingress --url --format "" | head -1)
    export INGRESS_HTTP_PORT=$(minikube   service -n nginx-ingress nginx-ingress --url --format "" | head -1)
    export INGRESS_HTTPS_PORT=$(minikube   service -n nginx-ingress nginx-ingress --url --format "" | tail -1)

    Now we deploy colors-ingress ingress resource for accesing both applications

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Codegazers/k8s-vagrant/master/examples/colors/colors-ingress.yml | kubectl create -f -

    We just set up host routing

    kubectl get ingress colors-ingress -o yaml

    And now we can access our applications setting host headers

    http ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/text Host:red.example.com
    http ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/text Host:blue.example.com

    We review backends because red-app has 3 replicas

    ab -n 10000 -v 2 -k  -H "host: red.example.com" ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/text

    Ingress Controller with HealthChecks

    We will deploy now application with active health checks

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Codegazers/k8s-vagrant/master/examples/colors/colors-with-health.yml | kubectl apply -f -

    And now we update ingress resource

    kubectl delete ingress colors-ingress # Or just update using apply
    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Codegazers/k8s-vagrant/master/examples/colors/colors-ingress-with-health.yml | kubectl apply -f -

    Checking health for blue.example.com we notice that the 2 replicas are working fine (healthcheck at /health)

    http ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/text Host:blue.example.com

    Sample output

    ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/text Host:blue.example.com
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Connection: keep-alive
    Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2018 16:57:40 GMT
    Server: nginx/1.13.10
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    APP_VERSION: 1.0
    COLOR: blue
    CONTAINER_NAME: blue-app-66f8cc9cf9-zgwqv
    {INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/text Host:blue.example.com
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Connection: keep-alive
    Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2018 16:57:41 GMT
    Server: nginx/1.13.10
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    APP_VERSION: 1.0
    COLOR: blue
    CONTAINER_NAME: blue-app-66f8cc9cf9-twhr5

    Now we set one of the application pods to a failure state

    kubectl get pods 
    kubectl exec -ti <POD>  -- touch /tmp/down

    Sample output

    $ kubectl get pods 
    NAME                        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    blue-app-66f8cc9cf9-twhr5   1/1       Running   0          1m
    blue-app-66f8cc9cf9-zgwqv   1/1       Running   0          1m
    red-app-5969d9f7bd-dnwwz    1/1       Running   0          1m
    red-app-5969d9f7bd-gszsq    1/1       Running   0          1m
    red-app-5969d9f7bd-zhmh4    1/1       Running   0          1m
    $kubectl exec -ti blue-app-66f8cc9cf9-twhr5  -- touch /tmp/down

    Now we have one endpoint in failure state

    If we are fast enought we can reach failure endpoint before it will disable. Review health a few times

    http ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/health Host:blue.example.com
    http ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/health Host:blue.example.com

    Failed endpoint will be disabled and we just reach alive endpoint. Review text page a few times

    http ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/text Host:blue.example.com
    http ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/text Host:blue.example.com

    Now we set failed pod to a ‘alive state’

    kubectl get pods 
    kubectl exec -ti <FAILURE_POD_USED_BEFORE>  -- rm /tmp/down

    Sample output

    $kubectl exec -ti blue-app-66f8cc9cf9-twhr5  -- rm /tmp/down

    Now we will review health a few times

    http ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/health Host:blue.example.com
    http ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/health Host:blue.example.com

    And failed endpoint will be alive again and will be added to the upstream.

    Review text page a few times

    http ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/text Host:blue.example.com
    http ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/text Host:blue.example.com

    Ingress Controller rewriting

    Update ingress resource

    kubectl delete ingress colors-ingress
    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Codegazers/k8s-vagrant/master/examples/colors/colors-ingress-rewrite.yml | kubectl apply -f -

    We can just test rewrite easily using /red/ path on blue deployment:

    http ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/red/text Host:blue.example.com

    Results will show a red application pod

    Ingress Controller Sticky Sessions Persistence

    Update ingress resource

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Codegazers/k8s-vagrant/master/examples/colors/colors-ingress-sticky.yml | kubectl apply -f -

    We can just test rewrite easily using /red/ path on blue deployment:

    http --session red ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/text Host:red.example.com
    http --session red ${INGRESS_IP}:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/text Host:red.example.com

    Results will show same red application pod everytime we use same session.


    curl -vvv --resolve red.example.com:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}:${INGRESS_IP}-b "red_svc_id=<red_svc_id VALUE>" http://red.example.com:${INGRESS_HTTP_PORT}/text

    Dashboard will be accesible on after nginx-ingress pod port forwarding:

    kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods -n nginx-ingress -o name) 8080:8080 --namespace=nginx-ingress